Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What I have learned today [2015/4/7]

Here is what I have learned :D

1. Stanford researchers develop more efficient aluminum batteries. Wow, if this is scalable then energy costs will go down as we can store more energy given that 8% of the earth is made of Aluminum. Plus, aluminum gets recycled relatively well. This is really a great breakthrough ^^

2. For improved sleep, sleep in complete darkness and get sun light during the day to be more awake. Hmmm...may be I should get those heavy dark curtains...well, I sleep pretty well already :p

3. Part of Koreatown lost power and so did DC. Really? I thought I was done with power outages after leaving developing nations and the South (trees, wind, anything easily knocked down the power lines). There is such a lost in productivity when we lose power. Yes, it is time to upgrade our infrastructure before we all go to Amazon and start ordering diesel generators.

4. We all love cute babies. According to research, so do monkeys....yup...we all love cuties ^^

5. Parts of Spenda are not digestible. So researchers can use the presence of Splenda if there has been a spill of sewage. Pretty clever ^^

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