Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What I have learned today [2015/4/6]

1. Let the body set the flow. Thinking too much hinders playing music. Researchers find that children may be able to learn music faster because their prefrontal cortex has not been fully developed yet, enabling the motor and visual parts to learn the music more efficiently. This explains why I am so bad at music....part of it at least.

2. Audit firm partnership have rotating boards comprised of partners and partners share the profits according to the ownership stake. Wow, partnerships do really seem like a good deal with skin in the game and active monitoring.

3. Use credit card balance transfers wisely for free financing. Make sure you don't miss a payment because your interest rate will skyrocket. I suggest that you don't max out your balance transfer but transfer the amount that you can pay off during the promotional period. This way you save on interest payment and avoid the potential spike in the interest rate.

Still a busy week, I will try to upload what I have learned today before I go to bed :D

Please share what you have learned today ^^

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