Sunday, July 19, 2015

Give Thanks [2015/7/18]

Father, thank You for Your love and blessings. Let us never forget that You have saved us from death and that Your grace is enough. Let us never stop praising You Lord. We love You Jesus and we thank You for everything.

1. Thank You Lord for McDonalds. Yes, the food is not so good but it is good for the price.

2. Thank You Father for Google. It's so much faster to search coding problems than search a book hee hee.

3. Thank You Jesus for a very productive day. I did not check my email, and did not watch much YouTube and I got lot of things done.

4. Thank You Lord for Your wisdom. You have been so generous with Your wisdom, let us pray more for Your wisdom.

5. Thank You God for a pleasant walk after the rain. So nice to smell the earth and the grass.

6. Thank You Father for electricity. Man...without electricity, hmmm...well I would read books :D

7. Thank You Lord for making me learn so much about IPOs. It is a brave new world.

Lord, let us be more thankful. And let us never forget that You love us and that You want us to spread that love to all nations.

From Penguin Watch

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