1. Ants travel more efficiently by going at a constant speed and not overtaking each other. Well, we actually kind of knew this...everyone just abided by the laws, traffic would be much better but it is those people who drive like they are in Fast and Furious just screw the system. Today, I saw a car stop in a middle of a 4 way intersection. Wow...thank God nobody crashed.
Ohh by the way, traffic will be worse in 30 years with more people driving. Time to raise gas prices, car prices, build public transportation, and sharing rides...
2. CA coming back to senses about the impending water crisis. It is great that people are starting to save water but really? People from other countries saved water since well...quite a long time. But it is great that people are realizing that water is not cheap and without water Cali is screwed. Now would people please stop buying bottled water....
3. Pension footnotes are really difficult to comprehend. I felt like I was being punished for whatever sins I have committed...actually, it is just mostly convoluted accounting and let's-give-you-a-headache disclosure.
4. Jesus died for our sins and resurrected because He had no sin. I have learned that this is true grace. God sacrificing His own son to save us all. I knew this fact with my head but now I know it with my heart more :D
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