It is sad that teacher unions are battling education reform...but we all know that teachers have other incentives besides giving good education.
However, there is a great hope. Already there are many online high quality education including,,, and This websites provide great education that I felt demanding a refund to all my schools. Thus, we should further support this online courses in three ways.
First, increase your human capital. Take the courses and become more capable, this will allow to earn more money, contribute more to society and people will naturally know how you learned great stuff from KhanAcademy, Coursera...
Second, raise awareness. Become an evangelist and recommend to others. Use facebook, twitter, any SNS to spread the word. This will increase the adoption of this online courses.
Third, donate! This online courses are not quite profitable for good reasons but they need money to operate. So please donate for a better world.
Eventually, the online courses will become very good and reliable (Coursera already verifies student by picture and typing), which will not only provide great education for everyone but further oust the bad teachers, as a result, increasing education quality and lowering cost :D
So please join me to support the online courses for a better education ^^
*From Penguin Watch
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