1. Thank You Jesus for giving me the diligence to maintain a blog. Wow...it is really a lot of work even though I put the bare minimum. Also, lot of creativity extraction but it is good. I think more, I am more disciplined, and I think I write a bit better :D
2. Thank You Jesus for water. Wow...I was thinking how would we live without water....How do we even create water without using so much energy. Water is truly your grace, Father. Let us drink from the well that we will never thirst again ^^
3. Thank You Father for my nice monitor. It is really worth every dime. I'll save up to buy a larger one.
4. Thank You God for my eyes. It takes so much abuse for working at least 10 hrs a day in front of the computer. Thank You God for my eyes. I should really take better care of my eyes. Eat more carrots :D
5. Thank You Father for another quite productive day. I struggled a bit because I didn't want to do research but I was able to force myself to do something productive.
6. Thank You Jesus for the lovely dinner. I love Udon. It was extra delicious because I didn't have lunch :D Ahhh I feel so full.
7. Thank You God for giving a friend who gives me rides. Yes, less congestion, energy saved.
8. Thank You Father for Kindle. I love reading.
9. Thank You God for a lovely day although it was a bit hot but should not complain but be thankful.
10. Thank You for bible study. We are learning more about Your ways. Teach us Your law and let us live by Your law until the end :D
Father, we just want to praise You for everything. We are so unworthy yet You have blessed us so much. Jesus, please be always with us and let us just adore You. Let us keep Your commandments and be a blessing to all nations and Israel.
*From Floating Forests
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