1. Babies are the true experimenters. Research shows that babies experiment by playing with objects that does not fit their conventional knowledge. They make hypotheses and put the object in their mouth...awwwww
2. McDonald's is not doing well with decreasing sales (increasing competition) and frozen incentive pay. Hmmm...is it time to buy or sell? Well, McDonald's had many crisis and managed to pull through turnarounds including creation of healthier menus and coffee. I would not sell McDonald but I would watch more closely to see how the situation evolves.
3. I have learned that I sort of enjoy classic music but don't know enough to really enjoy it. Time to study and learn :D
4. I have learned that Joseph from Genesis was very wise, never complaining and always relying on God. I have a lot to learn. Less complaining and more praising God ^^
I should really be thankful because my brother never sold me as a slave; I have never been framed; I have never been thrown into jail. Jesus, thank You so much :D
*From Floating Forests
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