Friday, April 10, 2015

Dean of Happinesss

Wharton has a dean of happiness, who ensures that the students are happy. Hmmmm...It is definitely

good customer service but is it necessary? Does it raise the productivity of the students? I am not

sure. Someone should really do an in-depth study about the effect of administrators who look after

the welfare of the students. My first question is whether they can have some influence or positive

effect. What can they do? Do student's homework? I guess hosting events would be

helpful...but...well. I guess counseling would be helpful. I am just a bit confused. Is it like a butler or

concierge? Ugh, probably not. I am not sure but it is an interesting position. Also, I do agree that we

should listen to students more and cater them up to some extent but let us not forget that schools are

places to learn not exactly to be always happy.

*The Milky Way Project

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