1. Human think in logarithmic scales
2. Children become very concerned with fairness at 7 or 8, a good time to teach against the biases including racism, sexism, agism and other negative stereotypes.
3. World' most popular beer is the Chinese beer, Snow. Interesting that none of the ten beers are from India.
4. You can spot fake wines by shining blue light on the wine's labels and the cork. If is a fake, the label will have modern printing.
5. So much art forgery. Yet, art forgery will persist with the rising art forgery.
6. Bronze age woman remains show that women traveled in that area, suggesting that the social system and culture may have been more modern than we expected.
7. Bionic eye enables blind people to see shapes! This is amazing! Wow, hope this technology develops faster :D
*From Floating Forest
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