2. Spy Dust used by the soviets is not lethal and can be used trace humans and car movements. Well, now we have GPS.
3. Audi created a luxury bike that is extremely durable and costs $20,000. I like durable but for $20,000, I can buy bunch of cheap bikes and enjoy the rides.
4. Scientists have used 3D printing to reconstruct an injured turtle's beak and returned to sea. Wow...this is what I call cool! Awesome use of 3D technology :D
5. Pigs are raised in depressing conditions in the US. They are confined and are poisoned by their waste....I love bacon and we must stop this. I will pay more for ham and bacon as long the pigs are treated better.
6. Carl's Jr came out with an 1,080 burger. Well, then...it is important to eat good food but please do think about your health and how it will affect others if you are ill.
7. Hedge fund activism is quite interesting. Still a lot of things to research and learn.
*From Floating Forests
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