1. Thank You God for your wisdom. I realized my coding errors....twice!! Thank You for giving me the wisdom. Father, thank You for the data cleaning talent that You have given me.
2. Thank You Jesus for being able to thank. Father, You have given us so much yet we are so ungrateful. Give us loving hearts.
3. Thank You Father for Coke. Yes, it is full of sugar but sometimes the fizziness just makes your day.
4. Thank You Jesus for internet. Yes, it is so amazing that there is so much information out there and we can learn so much at our own time and at our own pace. I pray that others also enjoy the fruits of the internet.
5. Thank You Jesus for electricity. Without energy, life would be quite hard...Thank You.
6. Thank You Father for forgiving our sins. We sin so much everyday. Jesus, I pray that I grow more holy in You.
7. Thank You for kindle. I should go work for Amazon :P
Father, we just want to thank You for everything. I have only did work and did not focus on You. Forgive me for my lack of faith and make me whole. Jesus, let us seek Your face more. Let us keep Your law and be more loving.
*From Penguin Watch
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