Wednesday, March 11, 2015

University of Oklahoma SAE Racist Song Issue

University of Oklahoma's Sigma Alpha Epsilon is being shut down after chanting racist songs which was uploaded on and then caused massive outrage.

Here are my thoughts.

First, after seeing the video, I was quite troubled. Are we in 2015 or 1815? Wow...seriously? I went to school in the south so I am aware of racism. But this a whole new level. Hasn't in the explosion of information and development of technology and movement of people alleviate this kind of insane biases? Well, looks like we still have lot more work to do for a better world.

Second, I don't think expelling the student and busting the frat is a long term solution. I think a better way to handle the situation would be to have the frat students learn what they did wrong and debias themselves. Kicking them out will not make things better for the students. I don't think the students will suddenly start embracing other people and become a Samaritan. It is more likely that he either becomes more afraid or bitter. Hence, I believe a better solution may be to give another chance to the frat students so they can learn from their mistakes and fix them. I believe that these students were not born racists. There is a likelihood that their environment, where they grew up, may had a substantial impact on their views about race. Thus, it would be better if University of Oklahoma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon work together to address this issue instead of just expelling students and closing down frats.

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