Thank you Lord making me more humble and forcing myself to rely more on you.
Thank you God for enlightening about the race and the treasures and the blessings that you have ready for us when we live the faithful and good life. Let me become more humble and loving, let me glorify you through my life.
Thank you for the relatively close parking spot ^^
Thank you for the relatively cool weather today. It was a nice walk.
Thank you Jesus for the relatively productive day. I actually got lot of things done this week. Lot of data cleaning, some coding, and reading some theory papers. I actually enjoyed reading the theory papers.
Thank you for the great coffee, pizza, cookies, and nuts. They are delicious!
Thank you for the water, electricity, and internet :D
Thank you for helping me cut my losses in gold mining stocks and helping me pick good peer to peer loans. I still have a lot to learn.
Finally, thank you Jesus for everything as all good things come from you! Amen!
From Snapshot Serengeti
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