Wow...Amazon just came out with the Amazon Dash, a wireless button that you stick in your house to order things.
Really? Is this how lazy, we have become? We are so lazy that we can't even open our browser? our
smartphone? tablet? Oh man....
But! I do not admit that it is cool because the data that Amazon collects will be able to allow Amazon
to predict your behavior better. If they realize that You order late at night, they will know that you are
likely to come home late and also they can learn maybe that you like to eat at night. The data that
Amazon gets from the Dash will definitely give an edge to Amazon in figuring out. Also, Amazon
would be able to make money by selling this data with manufacturers.
So it is a smart move for Amazon but a bit sad day for all of us. But then again, better demand
prediction is likely to lead to more efficient production and therefore less waste, so I guess it works :p
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Things that I did not expect from Chicago
Didn't know that Chicago had coyotes...specially, resting in a park in day light haha.

*From Chicago Wild Life Project
*From Chicago Wild Life Project
What I have learned today [2015/3/31]
1. I have learned the mosquitos are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale.
2. I have learned that Yale Endowment model is not for everyone. Yes, every endowment should create its own model.
3. I have learned that Korea Investment Company is trying to invest in LA Dodgers, which is really a bad investment given that sport teams are not really a good investment. Remember, most teams are owned by billionaires as passion/hobby, not investment purposes. Remember, the most important investing lesson is never lose money, never lose money, and never lose money. Why is Korea Investment Company investing in LA Dodgers? Because everyone loves sports and probably one of the managers want to get box tickets....a classical agency problem...
4. McDonalds has come up with a cloth line in Sweden. Ok, this is either a brilliant PR campaign or someone at the top has lost it, or McDonalds is being super innovative by venturing to untested areas by pilot programs.
5. Today, I have learned that Daniel the prophet from the bible used control experiments to prove his point (Daniel 1, 12-15)
[Experiment: Treatment and control group]
Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 12 “Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” 14 So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days.
[Experiment: Results]
15 At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.
[Policy Recommendation]
16 So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.
Whoa! Daniel was so wise and soooo ahead of his time ^^
All wisdom comes from God. For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2, 6)
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Please share in the comments what you have learned today ^^
Give Thanks [2015/3/30]
Dear Jesus, thank You for giving me the strength to fight against my temptations today.
Lord, thank You for helping me some econometric books. I have been so busy and procrastinating. But today, I read a chapter.
Jesus, thank You for helping me file my taxes. Let us give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar (or Uncle Sam) and give what is Yours. I will pray that my taxes make the world a better place ^^
Father, thank You for another amazingly productive day. Please bless me more so I can glorify Your name and also spend more time serving and praying.
Thank You, God, for a supermarkets near my house. It is a pleasant walk :D Also, good prices.
Father, we just want thank You for giving us the Word. Thank You for giving us the bible so we can learn about Your plans and get to know You better. Lord, let us glorify You more everyday ^^

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Please share in the comments what you are thankful for ^^
Lord, thank You for helping me some econometric books. I have been so busy and procrastinating. But today, I read a chapter.
Jesus, thank You for helping me file my taxes. Let us give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar (or Uncle Sam) and give what is Yours. I will pray that my taxes make the world a better place ^^
Father, thank You for another amazingly productive day. Please bless me more so I can glorify Your name and also spend more time serving and praying.
Thank You, God, for a supermarkets near my house. It is a pleasant walk :D Also, good prices.
Father, we just want thank You for giving us the Word. Thank You for giving us the bible so we can learn about Your plans and get to know You better. Lord, let us glorify You more everyday ^^
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Please share in the comments what you are thankful for ^^
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/29]
Jesus, thank You for being able to worship You! You are such an awesome God! Let us become more holy and humble and truly worship You!
Father, thank You for the amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. They are so lovely just as You have intended. Let us be united and spread Your gospel and love to all nations.
Thank You God for calling me to drive a newcomer to UCLA. Such a pleasant drive to UCLA when there is no traffic. Too bad, I couldn't stop and enjoy some good coffee...but another time ^^
Thank You, Jesus, for the not so far parking spot. Sometimes, I park very far and it is still a good walk but a bit annoying when I am in a hurry.
Thank You God, so much for the lovely desktop. So useful and productive.
Thank You for ramen...I was so lazy to cook today and I had leftover rice. Yes, the perfect combination for busy single man :p
Father, we just want to thank You for today, it is a blessing to know You and be able to worship You. Let us get to know You more each day, so we can be more faithful and further Your kingdom ^^
*From Snapshot Serengeti
What I have learned today [2015/3/29]
1. Don't let email control you! Check email in given time slots to be more productive. Be proactive not reactive. Don't let email dictate your day.
2. Read the related party transactions in financial statements to see if there are funny things going on in the company. Footnoted creator, Michelle Leder advises investors to read the footnotes and also pay attention to weird management perks.
3.I have learned that coins have ridges because criminals used to shave gold/silver coins and sold those shavings. Ridges prevented criminals from shaving the coins. Well, since coins do not contain precious coins anymore, the mint can save money by not having ridges?
4. I have realized that I should workout more because my muscles are shrinking like a deflating balloon...Need more discipline.
5. I have realized to change one soul, we really need to love with all our heart and body. That means really caring about that person by serving and praying. We need to spend more time with the individual, and be concerned about him just as Jesus has loved us.
He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27).
*From Snapshot Serengeti
More Snapshot Serengeti Photos
Here is another wave of beautiful Serengeti photos ^^
Some photos are so beautiful that it looks staged or photoshopped.

Some photos are so beautiful that it looks staged or photoshopped.
Give Thanks [2015/3/27]
Dear Lord, thank You for another blessed day. Everyday is miracle. A day to worship You and glorify You.
Father, thank You for the great conference today. It was an intense schedule but I have learned a lot and made new friends :D
Thank You God for tablets and smartphones. I did lot of and read papers when I was bored.
Thank You Father for giving me new investing principles. I still have to learn a lot. I mean a lot!
Thank You for another small step forward :D
Jesus thank You for giving me more wisdom. I realize that I really did stupid things and think a lot about stupid things. Jesus, thank You for opening my eyes.
Jesus, thank You for giving me a better vision. Today, I imagined creating a family founded in You, Jesus. We would read the word together as a family and pray together. Just the thought praying with my son brought joy. I cannot wait until my family holds hands and pray in Your name, praying for the salvation of all nations and the restoration of Israel. Father, I pray that You make my family, a family of believers, a family of faithful servants Amen.
Father, we just want to praise Your name because You are such a loving God and all good things come from You. Thank You! And we love You!

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Father, thank You for the great conference today. It was an intense schedule but I have learned a lot and made new friends :D
Thank You God for tablets and smartphones. I did lot of and read papers when I was bored.
Thank You Father for giving me new investing principles. I still have to learn a lot. I mean a lot!
Thank You for another small step forward :D
Jesus thank You for giving me more wisdom. I realize that I really did stupid things and think a lot about stupid things. Jesus, thank You for opening my eyes.
Jesus, thank You for giving me a better vision. Today, I imagined creating a family founded in You, Jesus. We would read the word together as a family and pray together. Just the thought praying with my son brought joy. I cannot wait until my family holds hands and pray in Your name, praying for the salvation of all nations and the restoration of Israel. Father, I pray that You make my family, a family of believers, a family of faithful servants Amen.
Father, we just want to praise Your name because You are such a loving God and all good things come from You. Thank You! And we love You!
*From Snapshot Serengeti
What I have learned today [2015/3/28]
Another hectic day, and here are today's lessons
1. Conferences are mainly for networking and presenters benefit the most from feedback. The rest of us get back cramps, sleepy legs, and fat for sitting for so long. But the food was good :D
2. We still don't know much. Research has uncovered a lot in finance yet there are so many unanswered questions. Including...investor psychology, types of CEO compensations, and trade-marks.
3. I don't understand media companies....I missed out on a lot of media and cable companies, which were recommended by famous investors. I did not invest in them because I did not understand them and I still don't....Well, I am following Warren Buffet's advice on staying in the circle of competence. But I think I should try to at least understand those companies better.
4. You can create art using hydrophobic chemicals. Basically, create art using hydrophobic chemicals and then the art appears when the surface becomes wet. Pretty Clever! Check out
5. I learned that there are a lot of pain in this world and many souls in dark. We must all push ourselves to be more loving as Jesus has commanded as to love one another ^^ Let us over flow with love.
Many things I knew before but only with my head...not with my heart. Also, a lot of stuff, I had it in my head but never sank in deep. Thank You Jesus for Your wisdom.

*From Snapshot Serengeti
1. Conferences are mainly for networking and presenters benefit the most from feedback. The rest of us get back cramps, sleepy legs, and fat for sitting for so long. But the food was good :D
2. We still don't know much. Research has uncovered a lot in finance yet there are so many unanswered questions. Including...investor psychology, types of CEO compensations, and trade-marks.
3. I don't understand media companies....I missed out on a lot of media and cable companies, which were recommended by famous investors. I did not invest in them because I did not understand them and I still don't....Well, I am following Warren Buffet's advice on staying in the circle of competence. But I think I should try to at least understand those companies better.
4. You can create art using hydrophobic chemicals. Basically, create art using hydrophobic chemicals and then the art appears when the surface becomes wet. Pretty Clever! Check out
5. I learned that there are a lot of pain in this world and many souls in dark. We must all push ourselves to be more loving as Jesus has commanded as to love one another ^^ Let us over flow with love.
Many things I knew before but only with my head...not with my heart. Also, a lot of stuff, I had it in my head but never sank in deep. Thank You Jesus for Your wisdom.
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Friday, March 27, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/27]
Dear Lord, thank you so much for giving me another blessed day. Every day is a blessing. I am so grateful that I am able to wake up and praise You :D
Father, thank You for another productive day. You have blessed me so much. I proclaim that all wisdom comes from You. I pray that You pour down all Your wisdom on us ^^
Jesus, thank You for brining newcomers to our church. We really need to spread Your love and gospel more, give us the strength and the abilities to make disciples.
Thank You God for the great Mexican lunch. Yummmieee! I love Mexican food.
Father thank You for my great advisor and colleagues. Learning everyday ^^
Thank You for the great parking spot. Yes, it was far but it was a great walk :D

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Father, thank You for another productive day. You have blessed me so much. I proclaim that all wisdom comes from You. I pray that You pour down all Your wisdom on us ^^
Jesus, thank You for brining newcomers to our church. We really need to spread Your love and gospel more, give us the strength and the abilities to make disciples.
Thank You God for the great Mexican lunch. Yummmieee! I love Mexican food.
Father thank You for my great advisor and colleagues. Learning everyday ^^
Thank You for the great parking spot. Yes, it was far but it was a great walk :D
*From Snapshot Serengeti
What have I learned today [2015/3/27]
Today was an interesting day with lot of work done and some learning :D
So here is what I have learned today.
1. Use your early hours (the precious few hours after you start your day) wisely. Plan your day instead of replying to emails and being reactive. This will ensure that you maximize your productivity and get things done [From Harvard Business Review Ideacast]
2. Compustat data has issues...if you are a financial researcher, you would know this but I realized one more time, with my friend....
3. Class Action suits. You will be punished for omitted material information but you will be ok if you had subjective belief. Basically, if you thought your firm will do well despite challenging material facts, you will be fine. However, if you do not disclose those challenging material facts then you will be punished [From Bloomberg Law]
4. Learned that USC Tennis is really good. Wow, actually, it is the best in the US. Go Trojans!
5. I have learned that Jesus really wants us to pray and pray hard because often our hearts are hardened...and this drains love and joy in our lives. So I learned that we should really pray so we can guard our hearts and become the light and the salt of this world :D
So here is what I have learned today.
1. Use your early hours (the precious few hours after you start your day) wisely. Plan your day instead of replying to emails and being reactive. This will ensure that you maximize your productivity and get things done [From Harvard Business Review Ideacast]
2. Compustat data has issues...if you are a financial researcher, you would know this but I realized one more time, with my friend....
3. Class Action suits. You will be punished for omitted material information but you will be ok if you had subjective belief. Basically, if you thought your firm will do well despite challenging material facts, you will be fine. However, if you do not disclose those challenging material facts then you will be punished [From Bloomberg Law]
4. Learned that USC Tennis is really good. Wow, actually, it is the best in the US. Go Trojans!
5. I have learned that Jesus really wants us to pray and pray hard because often our hearts are hardened...and this drains love and joy in our lives. So I learned that we should really pray so we can guard our hearts and become the light and the salt of this world :D
Give Thanks [2015/3/26]
Thank You God for another blessed day. I know that I have fallen to temptation but You helped me repent and pray for Your Kingdom. Let me be stronger next time and pray more.
Thank You Jesus for another productive day. It is a hot streak now. I just want to work hard and glorify You Lord.
Father, thank You for the Chow Mein. I was doing pull ups like crazy thanks to the calories :D
Jesus, thank You for making me finally watch some Coursera. I have been so busy and sometimes too tired to watch the lectures. Thank You for the discipline.
I just want to thank You Jesus for everything since You are so loving and great.

*From Snapshot Serengeti
****Please share what you are thankful in the comments :D****
Thank You Jesus for another productive day. It is a hot streak now. I just want to work hard and glorify You Lord.
Father, thank You for the Chow Mein. I was doing pull ups like crazy thanks to the calories :D
Jesus, thank You for making me finally watch some Coursera. I have been so busy and sometimes too tired to watch the lectures. Thank You for the discipline.
I just want to thank You Jesus for everything since You are so loving and great.
*From Snapshot Serengeti
****Please share what you are thankful in the comments :D****
What have I learned today [2015/3/26]
I used to write what I have learned today in my diaries but then I sort of got lazy and forgot. Well, I would like to bring back that decision by starting my "What have I learned today?"
Yes, this will force me to be more effective also crush my ego. No, I am kidding, I actually enjoy this sessions.
So here are some interesting things that I have learned today.
1. IPO underwriters can use the due diligence and reliance defenses when sued. Basically, due diligence defense states that they did a reasonable job checking and the reliance defense blames the experts.
2. I have learned that auditors get sued a lot but we never know what happens. I think they mostly settle.
3. Gold mining stocks are still going down and I have entered to early!! Ahhh...I think I will cut my losses. Remember, you can make up your losses later, stop the hemorrhage.
4. I have learned that chow mein is only about 500KCAL but gives me overwhelming energy to do pull ups like crazy :D Yes, when I really wanted to work out really hard in college, I would eat a Big Mac and go straight to the gym.
5. I have experienced the praying brings more blessing than you can imagine ^ ^

*From the Milky Way Project
****Please share what you have learned today :D****
Yes, this will force me to be more effective also crush my ego. No, I am kidding, I actually enjoy this sessions.
So here are some interesting things that I have learned today.
1. IPO underwriters can use the due diligence and reliance defenses when sued. Basically, due diligence defense states that they did a reasonable job checking and the reliance defense blames the experts.
2. I have learned that auditors get sued a lot but we never know what happens. I think they mostly settle.
3. Gold mining stocks are still going down and I have entered to early!! Ahhh...I think I will cut my losses. Remember, you can make up your losses later, stop the hemorrhage.
4. I have learned that chow mein is only about 500KCAL but gives me overwhelming energy to do pull ups like crazy :D Yes, when I really wanted to work out really hard in college, I would eat a Big Mac and go straight to the gym.
5. I have experienced the praying brings more blessing than you can imagine ^ ^
*From the Milky Way Project
****Please share what you have learned today :D****
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/25]
Dear Lord, thank You for another blessed day with awesome productivity. Lord, I proclaim we only need Your wisdom alone.
Jesus, thank You for the overflowing dinner. Yes, I have packed at least seven meals worth of Chinese food :D Hello, calories! good bye new year's resolution~ I am kidding. I will work out more.
Father, thank You for teaching us about the judgment of the goat and the sheep. Let us be humble and serve Israel.
Jesus, I always thank You for the wonderful meals and coffee! Seriously, wow I love my milk foam machine.
Father, I thank You for LA. Yes, it is dirty and it is congested and we have lot of problems. But it has nice weather and very nice places.
Jesus, thank You for the healthy body. I cannot thank You enough. Keep me healthy so I can serve You more.
Finally, thank You God for everything. Thank You for Your Unending Love :D

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Jesus, thank You for the overflowing dinner. Yes, I have packed at least seven meals worth of Chinese food :D Hello, calories! good bye new year's resolution~ I am kidding. I will work out more.
Father, thank You for teaching us about the judgment of the goat and the sheep. Let us be humble and serve Israel.
Jesus, I always thank You for the wonderful meals and coffee! Seriously, wow I love my milk foam machine.
Father, I thank You for LA. Yes, it is dirty and it is congested and we have lot of problems. But it has nice weather and very nice places.
Jesus, thank You for the healthy body. I cannot thank You enough. Keep me healthy so I can serve You more.
Finally, thank You God for everything. Thank You for Your Unending Love :D
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Productivity Hack: Listening to podcasts.
One of my greatest productivity hack is listening to podcasts whenever possible. I listen when I walk, drive, go shopping, or when I have to clean data!!!
When I first listened to podcasts, I focused too much on the content and tried to understand everything. And that is absolutely a No, No. If you try to understand everything on a podcast, you will get nauseated and a screaming headache. So please don't do that.
So what is the right way to listen to podcasts? Here are my guidelines, which hopefully is useful.
1. Listen comfortably. Don't force yourself to understand 100%, that is a recipe for disaster. Just think whatever you learn, that it is a plus to your life. It is like basically bonuses. And sometimes, you get great insights and I call them mega bonus! And even if you think you forget everything the brain is actually quite amazing and recalls some stuff. Many instances, I actually was able to recall some information from the podcasts that I have heard and it was amazing. So please listen while chilling no need to force yourself. If you think you missed something important, you can listen to them again and also these days many podcasts provide you with transcripts and additional resources on their websites so relax.
2. Speed up. Most podcasts are boring actually....And most of the times only like ten minutes are worth of your time out of a one hour long podcast. So speed up, most podcast players have an option of speeding up. So I usually listen my podcasts at 2x and I have no trouble understanding. And if I feel like I am missing something, I just listen to 1x. So this saves me a lot of time and enables me to listen to many podcasts :D
3. Listen to diverse podcasts. Most of the podcasts that I listen to are either finance, economics, or psychology but I often hear other topics. Just to stimulate my brain and become more interesting. So I suggest you download stitcher, which suggests you great diverse podcasts.
4. Listen carefully how people speak in podcasts. I have learned tremendously from podcasts through listening how great and accomplished people speak and debate. I try to emulate their style and reasoning and this has worked. I am better at reasoning and I am proud to say that I actually convinced some very smart people. So listen carefully, how people speak, they have the experience and they are very good. I suggest that you listen to NPR Intelligent Squared and Econtalk. Don't be stressed if you don't get it the first time or first ten times, keep listening and you will learn how to reason and speak like great accomplished people.
5. Connect what you have learned. Try to connect what you have heard to your life. Tell your friends, post on facebook, write a diary, do something with that knowledge. In my cases, I try to come up with ideas with what I have learned through the podcast. This helps me better learn and retain the material in the podcast and also makes you more interesting, when you speak to your friends :D

Before I go here are my five favorite podcasts, hope you enjoy~
2. Intelligence Squared
3. James Altucher Show
4. Science Friday
5. Wall Street Unplugged
Happy listening :D
When I first listened to podcasts, I focused too much on the content and tried to understand everything. And that is absolutely a No, No. If you try to understand everything on a podcast, you will get nauseated and a screaming headache. So please don't do that.
So what is the right way to listen to podcasts? Here are my guidelines, which hopefully is useful.
1. Listen comfortably. Don't force yourself to understand 100%, that is a recipe for disaster. Just think whatever you learn, that it is a plus to your life. It is like basically bonuses. And sometimes, you get great insights and I call them mega bonus! And even if you think you forget everything the brain is actually quite amazing and recalls some stuff. Many instances, I actually was able to recall some information from the podcasts that I have heard and it was amazing. So please listen while chilling no need to force yourself. If you think you missed something important, you can listen to them again and also these days many podcasts provide you with transcripts and additional resources on their websites so relax.
2. Speed up. Most podcasts are boring actually....And most of the times only like ten minutes are worth of your time out of a one hour long podcast. So speed up, most podcast players have an option of speeding up. So I usually listen my podcasts at 2x and I have no trouble understanding. And if I feel like I am missing something, I just listen to 1x. So this saves me a lot of time and enables me to listen to many podcasts :D
3. Listen to diverse podcasts. Most of the podcasts that I listen to are either finance, economics, or psychology but I often hear other topics. Just to stimulate my brain and become more interesting. So I suggest you download stitcher, which suggests you great diverse podcasts.
4. Listen carefully how people speak in podcasts. I have learned tremendously from podcasts through listening how great and accomplished people speak and debate. I try to emulate their style and reasoning and this has worked. I am better at reasoning and I am proud to say that I actually convinced some very smart people. So listen carefully, how people speak, they have the experience and they are very good. I suggest that you listen to NPR Intelligent Squared and Econtalk. Don't be stressed if you don't get it the first time or first ten times, keep listening and you will learn how to reason and speak like great accomplished people.
5. Connect what you have learned. Try to connect what you have heard to your life. Tell your friends, post on facebook, write a diary, do something with that knowledge. In my cases, I try to come up with ideas with what I have learned through the podcast. This helps me better learn and retain the material in the podcast and also makes you more interesting, when you speak to your friends :D
Before I go here are my five favorite podcasts, hope you enjoy~
2. Intelligence Squared
3. James Altucher Show
4. Science Friday
5. Wall Street Unplugged
Happy listening :D
Gives Thanks [2015/3/24]
Thank you Jesus for another blessed day. Yes, I have fallen to temptations but you blessed me so I can repent and become whole again. Lord, I realize that my sins are grave and that is a great so I can muster more power to stop sinning.
Jesus, thank you for another productive day. I feel like a bulldozer, just razing tasks. I pray that you continue to bless me with your wisdom.
Father, thank you for enlightening us about IT mission. IT is also a tool that you have allowed for us to use to further your Kingdom. Let us be wise and loving so we can use the internet to spread your love and gospel instead of wasting time online.
Jesus, I just want to thank you for the great church and the lovely brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that you bless us and use us as your mighty tool.
Jesus, we want to thank you and praise you because all good things come from you :D

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Jesus, thank you for another productive day. I feel like a bulldozer, just razing tasks. I pray that you continue to bless me with your wisdom.
Father, thank you for enlightening us about IT mission. IT is also a tool that you have allowed for us to use to further your Kingdom. Let us be wise and loving so we can use the internet to spread your love and gospel instead of wasting time online.
Jesus, I just want to thank you for the great church and the lovely brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that you bless us and use us as your mighty tool.
Jesus, we want to thank you and praise you because all good things come from you :D
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/23]
Thank you Jesus for a wonderful day. It was productive and I prayed :D
Jesus thank you for internet, wow, we can really learn a lot these days.
Father thank you for bring my friend back to you. She has searched for you for two years and now she is back in your arms :D
Lord thank you for the Korean market near my house. Yes, it is nice to buy some noodles on discount on the way back home.
Jesus, thank you for my car which is still running well :D
Father thank you for Amazon, Google, and Wikipedia. Ah, they really make my life better.
Finally, thank you for everything as all good things come from you and you alone :D

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Jesus thank you for internet, wow, we can really learn a lot these days.
Father thank you for bring my friend back to you. She has searched for you for two years and now she is back in your arms :D
Lord thank you for the Korean market near my house. Yes, it is nice to buy some noodles on discount on the way back home.
Jesus, thank you for my car which is still running well :D
Father thank you for Amazon, Google, and Wikipedia. Ah, they really make my life better.
Finally, thank you for everything as all good things come from you and you alone :D
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Monday, March 23, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/22]
Jesus thank you for the awesome worship. I had a congested heart but through praising my heart opened once again ^^
Thank you Jesus for the brothers and sisters in Christ. Listening to their prayer requests was absolutely magical. It is awesome that there is a young generation that adores you and wants to get closer to you.
Father, thank you for the relatively productive day. I didn't even take a nap. Also, I was not really hungry so I didn't really cook either.
Jesus, thank you for helping a lost sister in Christ come back to you. I know it will take time but I thank you for healing her and bringing her back ^^
Lord, thank you for my lovely niece. She is so adorable :D
Finally, thank you Jesus for all good things come from you.

*Snaphost Serengeti
Thank you Jesus for the brothers and sisters in Christ. Listening to their prayer requests was absolutely magical. It is awesome that there is a young generation that adores you and wants to get closer to you.
Father, thank you for the relatively productive day. I didn't even take a nap. Also, I was not really hungry so I didn't really cook either.
Jesus, thank you for helping a lost sister in Christ come back to you. I know it will take time but I thank you for healing her and bringing her back ^^
Lord, thank you for my lovely niece. She is so adorable :D
Finally, thank you Jesus for all good things come from you.
*Snaphost Serengeti
Give Thanks [2015/3/21]
Dear Lord thank you for a leisurely productive day. I enjoyed working lazily :D Ahhh weekends~
Jesus thank you for the food. Yes, sometimes I am lazy to cook but I ran out of stuff to eat so I had to cook.
Jesus thank you for the wonderful bed. Ahhh so nice.
Father thank you for making me focus on you more ^^
Thank you for the wonderful family ^^

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Jesus thank you for the food. Yes, sometimes I am lazy to cook but I ran out of stuff to eat so I had to cook.
Jesus thank you for the wonderful bed. Ahhh so nice.
Father thank you for making me focus on you more ^^
Thank you for the wonderful family ^^
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Performance Evaluation Innovation
Deloitte is trying to improve performance evaluation by shifting from skills to future actions and frequent assessments.
I would like to laud Deloitte to take the initiative to reform performance evaluation which both
the bosses and the workers hate.
However, I am not sure if the new proposed measure is a significant improvement. Yes, it adds some future focus but we know how forecasting is quite flawed and that people don't really change much.
I think a better way would be to use crowd sourcing to at least identify the best and the worst performers. The firm can set up an anonymous polling website, where employees can anonymously vote for the best and worst workers/ bosses. To incentivize participation, HR can reward cash prizes or other perks. For trust, the firm can hire a third party to monitor and evaluate the whole process.
I hope Deloitte does a randomized field experiment to test the effect of its new policies by randomly picking certain divisions or offices.
Fire extinguisher plant destroyed by fire~
A fire extinguisher plant was destroyed by fire in Chicago.
What an irony....not even sure if it is sad or funny that the extinguisher chemicals did not extinguish the fire.
Also, I wonder if the plant had fire insurance....if it didn't the irony would be even greater.
What an irony....not even sure if it is sad or funny that the extinguisher chemicals did not extinguish the fire.
Also, I wonder if the plant had fire insurance....if it didn't the irony would be even greater.
Give Thanks [2015/3/20]
Dear Lord, thank you for the uber productive day. At this rate, I think I can conquer the world. Thank you for the productivity.
Jesus thank you for your wisdom. Without your wisdom, I would be doing so many more stupid things.
Father, thank you for making me realize my weaknesses. Thank you for showing me what makes me upset and angry so I can fix them and become more like you.
Thank you for bringing me to worship and making me pray although my heart was not so open yesterday. Thank you for making me obey.
Thank you for the great bed. It is the best bed ever. So comfortable. Thank you.
Thank you for my external HD. It has been working so hard that it made sounds yesterday :(
But thank you for not breaking down.
Thank you Jesus for everything because you are good and you love us so much :D

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Jesus thank you for your wisdom. Without your wisdom, I would be doing so many more stupid things.
Father, thank you for making me realize my weaknesses. Thank you for showing me what makes me upset and angry so I can fix them and become more like you.
Thank you for bringing me to worship and making me pray although my heart was not so open yesterday. Thank you for making me obey.
Thank you for the great bed. It is the best bed ever. So comfortable. Thank you.
Thank you for my external HD. It has been working so hard that it made sounds yesterday :(
But thank you for not breaking down.
Thank you Jesus for everything because you are good and you love us so much :D
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Friday, March 20, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/19]
Dear Lord, thank you for the wonderful time at the beach today. It was absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for making me live in LA, where the nice beaches are quite close. Also, thank you for the nice man who paid for our parking ^^
Thank you for Amazon Prime, I enjoyed a movie today ^^ I should have seen a documentary or a discussions about the bible but I was so brain dead please forgive me.
Jesus, thank you for helping me pray. I know that I still need to learn a lot and pray more but thank you for giving me the heart to pray. I know you love our prayers and you want to bless us. Let us be the channel of your grace and blessings.
Father, I just want to thank you for everything and we want to love you more day by day.

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you for Amazon Prime, I enjoyed a movie today ^^ I should have seen a documentary or a discussions about the bible but I was so brain dead please forgive me.
Jesus, thank you for helping me pray. I know that I still need to learn a lot and pray more but thank you for giving me the heart to pray. I know you love our prayers and you want to bless us. Let us be the channel of your grace and blessings.
Father, I just want to thank you for everything and we want to love you more day by day.
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/18]
Thank you Jesus for the wonderful day.
Thank you Lord making me more humble and forcing myself to rely more on you.
Thank you God for enlightening about the race and the treasures and the blessings that you have ready for us when we live the faithful and good life. Let me become more humble and loving, let me glorify you through my life.
Thank you for the relatively close parking spot ^^
Thank you for the relatively cool weather today. It was a nice walk.
Thank you Jesus for the relatively productive day. I actually got lot of things done this week. Lot of data cleaning, some coding, and reading some theory papers. I actually enjoyed reading the theory papers.
Thank you for the great coffee, pizza, cookies, and nuts. They are delicious!
Thank you for the water, electricity, and internet :D
Thank you for helping me cut my losses in gold mining stocks and helping me pick good peer to peer loans. I still have a lot to learn.
Finally, thank you Jesus for everything as all good things come from you! Amen!

From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you Lord making me more humble and forcing myself to rely more on you.
Thank you God for enlightening about the race and the treasures and the blessings that you have ready for us when we live the faithful and good life. Let me become more humble and loving, let me glorify you through my life.
Thank you for the relatively close parking spot ^^
Thank you for the relatively cool weather today. It was a nice walk.
Thank you Jesus for the relatively productive day. I actually got lot of things done this week. Lot of data cleaning, some coding, and reading some theory papers. I actually enjoyed reading the theory papers.
Thank you for the great coffee, pizza, cookies, and nuts. They are delicious!
Thank you for the water, electricity, and internet :D
Thank you for helping me cut my losses in gold mining stocks and helping me pick good peer to peer loans. I still have a lot to learn.
Finally, thank you Jesus for everything as all good things come from you! Amen!
From Snapshot Serengeti
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/17]
Thank you Jesus for the wonderful day. I have done a lot of work today ^^
Jesus, Thank you for giving me the strength and the courage to trust you more. I know that you always know the best and that you will always take care of me. Jesus, let me worship you more everyday.
Thank you Lord for helping me pray more. Thank you for giving me the ability to discern the prayers that you love. Help me pray more and let me know your heart Jesus.
Thank you God for the leftover pizzas. They are absolutely delicious even after a day :D
Thank you Lord for the my lovely bed. Wow, it is really an amazing bed.
Thank you Jesus for making me do some exercise. I should really workout more...oh man.
Finally, Jesus thank you for all good things and all the blessings that you have given us. Thank you :D

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Jesus, Thank you for giving me the strength and the courage to trust you more. I know that you always know the best and that you will always take care of me. Jesus, let me worship you more everyday.
Thank you Lord for helping me pray more. Thank you for giving me the ability to discern the prayers that you love. Help me pray more and let me know your heart Jesus.
Thank you God for the leftover pizzas. They are absolutely delicious even after a day :D
Thank you Lord for the my lovely bed. Wow, it is really an amazing bed.
Thank you Jesus for making me do some exercise. I should really workout more...oh man.
Finally, Jesus thank you for all good things and all the blessings that you have given us. Thank you :D
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Airbnb Raising rent prices and making neighborhoods less safe?
A tenant rights group alleges that Airbnb is driving up rent prices and making the neighborhood worse.
I have not read the report but it is hard to believe that Airbnb is drastically raising the rent prices and making the neighborhoods less safe.
First, only a small percent are Airbnb units in LA. According to the US Census, LA county has about 3.46 million housing units and a quick check of LA area Airbnb units show 1,000 listings, suggesting that only a very small amount people convert their places into Airbnb units. Also, just talking about Airbnb makes you realize that people know about Airbnb but not many offer their houses on Airbnb.
Hence, it is unconceivable that Airbnb is drastically raising rent prices.
Second, I believe that Airbnb does cause some negative externalities to the neighborhood including noise, trash, and crime. But I believe these claims are exaggerated. If the negative externalities were so large then the Airbnb business model would have broken down years ago. Because those who offer Airbnb units cannot tolerate such risky behavior given the potential damages to their properties (Yes, crime rates and filth drive down housing prices).
Furthermore, I believe that this negative externality problem can be solved through effective contracting . Airbnb may collect certain fees from both the land lord and the guest to compensate for the negative externalities in the community. Also, Airbnb may mandate temporary rest days for Airbnb units to make sure that the neighborhood is not inundated with guests. Finally, if the neighborhood really does not want Airbnb then they should enforce it using the neighborhood association.
Finally, I think the neighbors should consider the positive impact of Airbnb. First, Airbnb not only gives you a mean to make extra income but also raises the home prices as the house generates more money. Second, Airbnb guests boost the local economy by visiting and spending more money in the community. Third, Airbnb gives more opportunities to travel and expand people's mind. Decreasing the cost of traveling is overall good, as it facilitates mixing of new people and new ideas, which leads to more understanding and creativity.
I have not read the report but it is hard to believe that Airbnb is drastically raising the rent prices and making the neighborhoods less safe.
First, only a small percent are Airbnb units in LA. According to the US Census, LA county has about 3.46 million housing units and a quick check of LA area Airbnb units show 1,000 listings, suggesting that only a very small amount people convert their places into Airbnb units. Also, just talking about Airbnb makes you realize that people know about Airbnb but not many offer their houses on Airbnb.
Hence, it is unconceivable that Airbnb is drastically raising rent prices.
Second, I believe that Airbnb does cause some negative externalities to the neighborhood including noise, trash, and crime. But I believe these claims are exaggerated. If the negative externalities were so large then the Airbnb business model would have broken down years ago. Because those who offer Airbnb units cannot tolerate such risky behavior given the potential damages to their properties (Yes, crime rates and filth drive down housing prices).
Furthermore, I believe that this negative externality problem can be solved through effective contracting . Airbnb may collect certain fees from both the land lord and the guest to compensate for the negative externalities in the community. Also, Airbnb may mandate temporary rest days for Airbnb units to make sure that the neighborhood is not inundated with guests. Finally, if the neighborhood really does not want Airbnb then they should enforce it using the neighborhood association.
Finally, I think the neighbors should consider the positive impact of Airbnb. First, Airbnb not only gives you a mean to make extra income but also raises the home prices as the house generates more money. Second, Airbnb guests boost the local economy by visiting and spending more money in the community. Third, Airbnb gives more opportunities to travel and expand people's mind. Decreasing the cost of traveling is overall good, as it facilitates mixing of new people and new ideas, which leads to more understanding and creativity.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/16]
Thank you Jesus for giving me the power to repent. Everyday, I sin yet You give me the will and the power to repent and be healed again.
Thank you God for the wonderful food today. We had a feast at lunch thanks to our good friend.
Thank you Jesus for A/C. Wow, turning on A/C really enhances your life. It was 78F today in my room.....
Thank you for giving me the will to clean my computer. Wow...only few months, and the desktop is a box full of dust....I thought it was a vacuum cleaner.
Thank you Jesus for my family. They are so wonderful and loving. I pray that you protect them and touch their hearts.
As always, thank you for everything Jesus. I cannot imagine a life without you. Thank you for calling me and enabling me to serve you ^^
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Give Thanks [2015/3/15]
Thank you Jesus for another blessed day. Thank you for the wonderful sermon. Let us be the true believers who live by faith and faith alone.
Thank you Lord for giving me a loving heart. Without your blessings, I would not be able to serve.
Jesus, thank you for the wonderful morning coffee.
Father, thank you for all my good friends. They are so lovely and wonderful.
Thank you for giving me a parking spot that is not so far from my house. It's a right amount of walking that I need :p
Dear Lord, thank you wechat and Kakao, it is much easier to communicate and keep in touch with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Jesus, thank you for giving me the patience to wait to clean up my computer. After running so many things, the desktop has been quite slow and needed cleaning. Yes, despite being a bit annoyed at first, thank you for keeping my emotions in check and being thankful.
Father, we just want to thank you for everything because you have loved us so much.

From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you Lord for giving me a loving heart. Without your blessings, I would not be able to serve.
Jesus, thank you for the wonderful morning coffee.
Father, thank you for all my good friends. They are so lovely and wonderful.
Thank you for giving me a parking spot that is not so far from my house. It's a right amount of walking that I need :p
Dear Lord, thank you wechat and Kakao, it is much easier to communicate and keep in touch with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Jesus, thank you for giving me the patience to wait to clean up my computer. After running so many things, the desktop has been quite slow and needed cleaning. Yes, despite being a bit annoyed at first, thank you for keeping my emotions in check and being thankful.
Father, we just want to thank you for everything because you have loved us so much.
From Snapshot Serengeti
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/14]
Thank you Jesus for using to help the street people. We know that we are weak but in You nothing is impossible.
Thank you Father for enabling me to repent. I know I am sinner and without Your guidance, I would be forever lost.
Thank you God for helping me study and get things done. It was a little bit slow but I got some things done.
Thank you for helping me find a parking spot near my place. It is LA, street parking is very competitive and efficient.
Thank you for all good things because all good things comes from You, Jesus ^^

Image from Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you Father for enabling me to repent. I know I am sinner and without Your guidance, I would be forever lost.
Thank you God for helping me study and get things done. It was a little bit slow but I got some things done.
Thank you for helping me find a parking spot near my place. It is LA, street parking is very competitive and efficient.
Thank you for all good things because all good things comes from You, Jesus ^^
Image from Snapshot Serengeti
Helping the trapped workforce
There is a serious problem where people are just trapped....
This documentary shows a young man and a older man who live in internet cafes because they are poor, do not have good skills or are hard to employ.
They work in temporary jobs that super unstable and are depressed. As time passes, both their mental and physical health are going to deteriorate and their skills will become even more obsolete...And a vicious downward spiral is set....
The problem is that there are millions of people like this in Japan, Korea, and China....Entire generations are being trashed and wasted....
So what can be done? Well, this is hard issue because mainly these temporary workers do not really have the skills that firms desire.
One solution would be for the government to train these temporary workers but unfortunately government programs are not quite effective (You can to to to learn more about failed policies or just read the news).
A better solution would be for us to help these trapped workers. There are many free online resources to increase your skills including Coursera, edX, Udacity, khanacademy, Wikipedia, Duolingo, and other learning platforms. Individuals can help the trapped workers amass new skills by encouraging them to new skills and help them if they get stuck.
I know it is a very difficult process because I have tried to motivate those who were trapped. Many lack the patience, are frustrated, and tend to be challenged by learning. But you must be patient and loving.
A friend argued that it was a waste of time to teach this trapped people. But I disagree. Loving a neighbor is the best thing you can do and it is what Jesus has told us to do.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another (John 13:34)
Furthermore, you learn a lot when you help and teach others. You understand the material better and you become a better communicator and teacher. Plus, what is the other alternative? Do you want people to get so desperate that they start engaging in illegal and destructive activities?
I am confident that helping will bear not only be profitable but also help a soul, which Jesus and all the heaven rejoices :D
This documentary shows a young man and a older man who live in internet cafes because they are poor, do not have good skills or are hard to employ.
They work in temporary jobs that super unstable and are depressed. As time passes, both their mental and physical health are going to deteriorate and their skills will become even more obsolete...And a vicious downward spiral is set....
The problem is that there are millions of people like this in Japan, Korea, and China....Entire generations are being trashed and wasted....
So what can be done? Well, this is hard issue because mainly these temporary workers do not really have the skills that firms desire.
One solution would be for the government to train these temporary workers but unfortunately government programs are not quite effective (You can to to to learn more about failed policies or just read the news).
A better solution would be for us to help these trapped workers. There are many free online resources to increase your skills including Coursera, edX, Udacity, khanacademy, Wikipedia, Duolingo, and other learning platforms. Individuals can help the trapped workers amass new skills by encouraging them to new skills and help them if they get stuck.
I know it is a very difficult process because I have tried to motivate those who were trapped. Many lack the patience, are frustrated, and tend to be challenged by learning. But you must be patient and loving.
A friend argued that it was a waste of time to teach this trapped people. But I disagree. Loving a neighbor is the best thing you can do and it is what Jesus has told us to do.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another (John 13:34)
Furthermore, you learn a lot when you help and teach others. You understand the material better and you become a better communicator and teacher. Plus, what is the other alternative? Do you want people to get so desperate that they start engaging in illegal and destructive activities?
I am confident that helping will bear not only be profitable but also help a soul, which Jesus and all the heaven rejoices :D
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Americans not spending!
Bloomberg is puzzled why Americans are not spending more even with a better job market.
Really Bloomberg? Didn't we complain about Americans spending too much? I think it is better that
Americans finally start saving and live within their means. There is no need to buy things that we
don't want or need. Didn't we learn that it was all the spending and debt that caused all this havoc?
Thank God that Americans are becoming more prudent.
Bloomberg insinuates that this is very bad for the US economy...Yes, in the short term because
companies will not beat earnings and will have to adjust for the smarter consumer. But in the long
run, it will be much better for America and the world. Also, Americans have been always creative
and energetic people. I have no doubt that they will invent or come out to raise productivity and
reduce waste. God bless America :D
Really Bloomberg? Didn't we complain about Americans spending too much? I think it is better that
Americans finally start saving and live within their means. There is no need to buy things that we
don't want or need. Didn't we learn that it was all the spending and debt that caused all this havoc?
Thank God that Americans are becoming more prudent.
Bloomberg insinuates that this is very bad for the US economy...Yes, in the short term because
companies will not beat earnings and will have to adjust for the smarter consumer. But in the long
run, it will be much better for America and the world. Also, Americans have been always creative
and energetic people. I have no doubt that they will invent or come out to raise productivity and
reduce waste. God bless America :D
Give Thanks [2015/3/13]
Thank you Jesus for another blessed day. Thank you for the past wonderful 11,000 days.
Thank you Lord for no traffic today in LA, which is really a miracle. I realized how close Costco is from my home without traffic.
Jesus, thank you for my desktop. It works very hard due to research yet it is very strong and sturdy.
God, thank you for my good friends. Together, we worship you and love you.
Thank you for the great fellowship today. Powerful testimonies today. We want to glorify You, Jesus, and You, alone. Here am I, call me!
Finally, thank you for the air, water, food, electricity, internet and everything else that we often take for granted.

Image from Snapshot Serengeti.
Thank you Lord for no traffic today in LA, which is really a miracle. I realized how close Costco is from my home without traffic.
Jesus, thank you for my desktop. It works very hard due to research yet it is very strong and sturdy.
God, thank you for my good friends. Together, we worship you and love you.
Thank you for the great fellowship today. Powerful testimonies today. We want to glorify You, Jesus, and You, alone. Here am I, call me!
Finally, thank you for the air, water, food, electricity, internet and everything else that we often take for granted.
Image from Snapshot Serengeti.
Friday, March 13, 2015
More Beautiful Images from Seregenti Snapshot
I love to classify animals on Snapshot Serengeti powered by Zooniverse.
It took me sometime to gather these images but I adore them ^^
I think I will create a photo book once I have enough images ^^
Give Thanks [2015/3/12]
Thank you God for the wonderful day.
Thank you Jesus for the safe driving.
Thank you Lord for the great podcasts. They are quite entertaining and educational.
Thank you Jesus for the faith that you have given me. Only two years ago, I could not have imagined a life with you Lord.
Thank you for air conditioning.
Thank you for everything as all good things come from you, Jesus.

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you Jesus for the safe driving.
Thank you Lord for the great podcasts. They are quite entertaining and educational.
Thank you Jesus for the faith that you have given me. Only two years ago, I could not have imagined a life with you Lord.
Thank you for air conditioning.
Thank you for everything as all good things come from you, Jesus.
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Guns for everyone
Cody Wilson wants to democratize guns by basically enabling anyone to create his own gun using 3D printing.
I agree with Cody that individuals will create their own guns eventually and yes, people do have the right to own guns, especially in America. But...he forgets that only those that are responsible and are able to handle guns should own guns. Not the people with mental problems or that are potentially dangerous.we need to consider the cost of guns.
The guns in the US has caused havoc in Mexico, as the criminals bought guns from bordering states and used them for criminal activities. Furthermore, it is far more easier to cause massive damage with guns then other types of weapons. Plus, guns make suicides much more effective, which I believe is completely sad and loss of a productive member in society. Hence, given such costs, I think we should try our best to regulate guns.
Here are two suggestions that have been offered but vehemently attacked by the NRA.
1. Stricter and more frequent background check. This prevents not so stable people from getting guns and doing harm to themselves or others.
2. Register individual-to-individual gun sales. This increases tracking, which decreases the likelihood that guns end up with criminals.
These two solutions will not be so effective, when criminals start producing their own guns in masses using 3D printing but I think it is a start.
I agree with Cody that individuals will create their own guns eventually and yes, people do have the right to own guns, especially in America. But...he forgets that only those that are responsible and are able to handle guns should own guns. Not the people with mental problems or that are potentially dangerous.we need to consider the cost of guns.
The guns in the US has caused havoc in Mexico, as the criminals bought guns from bordering states and used them for criminal activities. Furthermore, it is far more easier to cause massive damage with guns then other types of weapons. Plus, guns make suicides much more effective, which I believe is completely sad and loss of a productive member in society. Hence, given such costs, I think we should try our best to regulate guns.
Here are two suggestions that have been offered but vehemently attacked by the NRA.
1. Stricter and more frequent background check. This prevents not so stable people from getting guns and doing harm to themselves or others.
2. Register individual-to-individual gun sales. This increases tracking, which decreases the likelihood that guns end up with criminals.
These two solutions will not be so effective, when criminals start producing their own guns in masses using 3D printing but I think it is a start.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/11]
Thank you Lord for being able to worship you.
Thank you Jesus for letting me read the bible more today.
I am thankful that I spent time reading books. I used to read more but I have become very busy with research and usually didn't have the time. But today, I read more than usual, thank you.
I give thanks to God for the nice neighborhood that I live in. I can actually walk at night and it is so quite and peaceful. Not to mention the smell of freshly cut grass and the refreshing breeze.
I thank my friend for giving me a ride, which saved me an hour.
Thank you for some of my friends who read my blog time to time :P You guys are the true MVPs.
Thank you Jesus for everything ^^
*From Snapshot Seregenti
University of Oklahoma SAE Racist Song Issue
University of Oklahoma's Sigma Alpha Epsilon is being shut down after chanting racist songs which was uploaded on and then caused massive outrage.
Here are my thoughts.
First, after seeing the video, I was quite troubled. Are we in 2015 or 1815? Wow...seriously? I went to school in the south so I am aware of racism. But this a whole new level. Hasn't in the explosion of information and development of technology and movement of people alleviate this kind of insane biases? Well, looks like we still have lot more work to do for a better world.
Second, I don't think expelling the student and busting the frat is a long term solution. I think a better way to handle the situation would be to have the frat students learn what they did wrong and debias themselves. Kicking them out will not make things better for the students. I don't think the students will suddenly start embracing other people and become a Samaritan. It is more likely that he either becomes more afraid or bitter. Hence, I believe a better solution may be to give another chance to the frat students so they can learn from their mistakes and fix them. I believe that these students were not born racists. There is a likelihood that their environment, where they grew up, may had a substantial impact on their views about race. Thus, it would be better if University of Oklahoma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon work together to address this issue instead of just expelling students and closing down frats.
Here are my thoughts.
First, after seeing the video, I was quite troubled. Are we in 2015 or 1815? Wow...seriously? I went to school in the south so I am aware of racism. But this a whole new level. Hasn't in the explosion of information and development of technology and movement of people alleviate this kind of insane biases? Well, looks like we still have lot more work to do for a better world.
Second, I don't think expelling the student and busting the frat is a long term solution. I think a better way to handle the situation would be to have the frat students learn what they did wrong and debias themselves. Kicking them out will not make things better for the students. I don't think the students will suddenly start embracing other people and become a Samaritan. It is more likely that he either becomes more afraid or bitter. Hence, I believe a better solution may be to give another chance to the frat students so they can learn from their mistakes and fix them. I believe that these students were not born racists. There is a likelihood that their environment, where they grew up, may had a substantial impact on their views about race. Thus, it would be better if University of Oklahoma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon work together to address this issue instead of just expelling students and closing down frats.
Give Thanks [2015/3/10]
Thank you God for the great weather.
Thank you Jesus for a wonderful day.
Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to pray.
Thank you for the great lunch. Still leftover food from church but still tastes great.
Thank you for the laundry machine. Without it, I can't even imagine.
Thank you for everything. I have lived for more than thirty years now and it is an absolute blessing that I am still here and able to worship you ^^
Finally, thank you Jesus for giving me some wisdom so that I don't do stupid things.

*From Snap Serengeti
Thank you Jesus for a wonderful day.
Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to pray.
Thank you for the great lunch. Still leftover food from church but still tastes great.
Thank you for the laundry machine. Without it, I can't even imagine.
Thank you for everything. I have lived for more than thirty years now and it is an absolute blessing that I am still here and able to worship you ^^
Finally, thank you Jesus for giving me some wisdom so that I don't do stupid things.
*From Snap Serengeti
Tax Spies
Tax evasion is so bad in Greece that the government wants to employee students, housewives, and tourists to report tax evasion.
Well, this shows that Greece is very desperate. But this policy also has two problems.
First, what happens if the undercover tax inspector colludes with the tax evader? Or if tax evaders
send their own people to know exactly how undercover tax inspectors work? In such case, the effectiveness of this program would be quite doubtful.
Second, there is a chance that there are a lot of nuisance cases. False or ill-willed reporting is likely to lead to higher costs both for the government and the businesses.
I believe a more effective way to deter tax evasion is to institute a whistle blower policy. Basically, if an insider reports strong evidence that leads to a prosecution, the insider reporting is rewarded handsomely. Whistle blower policy would lead to lower costs and higher prosecutions.
No policy is perfect but in dire situations (e.g. Greece), it may be best to implement the most effective policies to avoid a further downward spiral.
Well, this shows that Greece is very desperate. But this policy also has two problems.
First, what happens if the undercover tax inspector colludes with the tax evader? Or if tax evaders
send their own people to know exactly how undercover tax inspectors work? In such case, the effectiveness of this program would be quite doubtful.
Second, there is a chance that there are a lot of nuisance cases. False or ill-willed reporting is likely to lead to higher costs both for the government and the businesses.
I believe a more effective way to deter tax evasion is to institute a whistle blower policy. Basically, if an insider reports strong evidence that leads to a prosecution, the insider reporting is rewarded handsomely. Whistle blower policy would lead to lower costs and higher prosecutions.
No policy is perfect but in dire situations (e.g. Greece), it may be best to implement the most effective policies to avoid a further downward spiral.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Apple's $10,000 watch....
Apple now has a $10,000 watch that is identical to the normal watch but is gold plated.
The article states that this may be the first attempt for Apple to become a luxury good. Here are my
First, Apple is already a luxury good. You can get better performance and price from competitors.
Second, Apple probably created the $10,000 watches to make the normal Apple watch look extremely cheap ($549).
Firms often create these super expensive luxurious products to make their other products, a bargain.
That is why often you see diamond plated phones and other types of weird luxuries. Yup, after seeing $10,000 price tag, $549 is cheap.
Third, it is possible that Apple is trying to price discriminate its customers. Everyone loves Apple because it is a life style, a choice. The rich, the poor all love apple. So Apple realized that a quick way to price discriminate would be to create this super expensive watch (traditionally watches are luxury goods) and then who is willing to pay. Apple will gather the information of those who buy $10,000 watches and sell even more luxurious goods, including gold plated MacBooks, diamond earphones....
Oh, quick psychology research note. $549 (Apple Watch) and $1299 (MacBook) end in 9 to attenuate the sticker shock ($550 vs. $549) since we care most about the left digits (left digit effect), 54 is much better than 55.
In contrast, luxury goods tend to have '0" as the end digit to distinguish itself from bargains, therefore the $10,000.
In sum, Apple watches are expensive but since Apple is a life style and Apple is superb at marketing, Apple stock will do well.
Bloomberg discusses who is going to buy the watches...Yes, the rich Chinese will buy them...but I doubt it will catch on as a luxury...unless Apple decides to upgrade the watches for free every year :p
The article states that this may be the first attempt for Apple to become a luxury good. Here are my
First, Apple is already a luxury good. You can get better performance and price from competitors.
Second, Apple probably created the $10,000 watches to make the normal Apple watch look extremely cheap ($549).
Firms often create these super expensive luxurious products to make their other products, a bargain.
That is why often you see diamond plated phones and other types of weird luxuries. Yup, after seeing $10,000 price tag, $549 is cheap.
Third, it is possible that Apple is trying to price discriminate its customers. Everyone loves Apple because it is a life style, a choice. The rich, the poor all love apple. So Apple realized that a quick way to price discriminate would be to create this super expensive watch (traditionally watches are luxury goods) and then who is willing to pay. Apple will gather the information of those who buy $10,000 watches and sell even more luxurious goods, including gold plated MacBooks, diamond earphones....
Oh, quick psychology research note. $549 (Apple Watch) and $1299 (MacBook) end in 9 to attenuate the sticker shock ($550 vs. $549) since we care most about the left digits (left digit effect), 54 is much better than 55.
In contrast, luxury goods tend to have '0" as the end digit to distinguish itself from bargains, therefore the $10,000.
In sum, Apple watches are expensive but since Apple is a life style and Apple is superb at marketing, Apple stock will do well.
Bloomberg discusses who is going to buy the watches...Yes, the rich Chinese will buy them...but I doubt it will catch on as a luxury...unless Apple decides to upgrade the watches for free every year :p
Super Light MacBook
Apple presented the new super light MacBook today.
And it is beautiful, elegant and $1,299?
Also, it looks like it will malfunction if it is slightly dropped. Or even crash if someone pounds the table hard.
I have never been a big apple fan and I think it makes more sense to buy two laptops few years apart.
Also, if you want something so light then just use a tablet with a keyboard like Surface...
My prediction....Apple stock will still do well. Because Apple is not a brand anymore but a life style.
And it is beautiful, elegant and $1,299?
Also, it looks like it will malfunction if it is slightly dropped. Or even crash if someone pounds the table hard.
I have never been a big apple fan and I think it makes more sense to buy two laptops few years apart.
Also, if you want something so light then just use a tablet with a keyboard like Surface...
My prediction....Apple stock will still do well. Because Apple is not a brand anymore but a life style.
Give Thanks [2015/3/9]
Thank you God for giving me the heart to pray.
Thank you electricity! Without electricity, I would not had internet or be able to use my waterpik :D
Thank you for office for having faster internet than at home.
Thank you for the great dinner. Leftover from church but still tastes great and I saved money.
Thank you for the many ideas today. I can't wait to develop them.
Thank you for the peace in my heart. I am feeling joy overflow in my heart. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for all great things for all good things come from you Jesus ^^

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you electricity! Without electricity, I would not had internet or be able to use my waterpik :D
Thank you for office for having faster internet than at home.
Thank you for the great dinner. Leftover from church but still tastes great and I saved money.
Thank you for the many ideas today. I can't wait to develop them.
Thank you for the peace in my heart. I am feeling joy overflow in my heart. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for all great things for all good things come from you Jesus ^^
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Monday, March 9, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/8]
Thank you for the awesome worship. Let us be the true believers who listen to Your Word, and glorify You, Jesus.
Thank you for the relatively productive day.
Thank you for allowing me to listen to lot of podcasts. Lot of catching up.
Thank you for the awesome house. I love my room. So nicely set up just need to clean more often.
Thank you for the great lunch and dinner. Also, the great latte, love you milk frother.

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you for the relatively productive day.
Thank you for allowing me to listen to lot of podcasts. Lot of catching up.
Thank you for the awesome house. I love my room. So nicely set up just need to clean more often.
Thank you for the great lunch and dinner. Also, the great latte, love you milk frother.
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Why science research is underfunded...
Senator Lindsey Graham proudly stated that he never sent an email in his life...
Now we know why science research is so underfunded...And this is not surprising given that the
U.S. congress lacks science advocates...Oh, don't forget Senator Jim Inhofe's snow ball incident.
So what can be done? Well, there are already billionaires stepping in to fund scientific research.
For instance, Paul G. Allen, Co-founder of Microsoft set up a brain science institute and James Simons, extremely successful hedge fund manager, donated millions to autism research.
Well, we are not that rich so what can we do? Here are three relatively easy ways to support science research.
1. Support research through You can fund research projects with a minimum of $25 dollars (You only get charged if the research is fully funded). Projects are very diverse, ranging from archaeology to ecology. Plus, researchers share their research notes which are quite interesting and educational.
2. Citizen scientist. You can help classify pictures and transcribe documents at Yup, help move science forward through crowdsourcing. My favorites are Snapshot Serengeti and Penguin Watch. You can enjoy the Serengeti and penguins to start your day or too cool down a bit after an intense day.
3. Install Folding@Stanford or World Community Grid. These two programs will run in your computer, analyzing various diseases and even clean energy (depending on which project you decide to support). In essence, you accelerate research by donating computing power.
There you go, three relatively easy ways to help science move forward. Don't wait congress to do things instead start helping science now :D

Now we know why science research is so underfunded...And this is not surprising given that the
U.S. congress lacks science advocates...Oh, don't forget Senator Jim Inhofe's snow ball incident.
So what can be done? Well, there are already billionaires stepping in to fund scientific research.
For instance, Paul G. Allen, Co-founder of Microsoft set up a brain science institute and James Simons, extremely successful hedge fund manager, donated millions to autism research.
Well, we are not that rich so what can we do? Here are three relatively easy ways to support science research.
1. Support research through You can fund research projects with a minimum of $25 dollars (You only get charged if the research is fully funded). Projects are very diverse, ranging from archaeology to ecology. Plus, researchers share their research notes which are quite interesting and educational.
2. Citizen scientist. You can help classify pictures and transcribe documents at Yup, help move science forward through crowdsourcing. My favorites are Snapshot Serengeti and Penguin Watch. You can enjoy the Serengeti and penguins to start your day or too cool down a bit after an intense day.
3. Install Folding@Stanford or World Community Grid. These two programs will run in your computer, analyzing various diseases and even clean energy (depending on which project you decide to support). In essence, you accelerate research by donating computing power.
There you go, three relatively easy ways to help science move forward. Don't wait congress to do things instead start helping science now :D
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/7]
Thank you Lord for the great hiking. I always loved hiking but have been so busy that I haven't go hiking for two years. Today was a great day. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for filling with my heart with peace.
Thank you for being thankful about working. I don't like working on weekends but given my research
workload, I work everyday but today I was quite happy working. It was less productive but I was very content. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for the great coffee. I love coffee and today's coffee was exceptional after a hike.
I was sweaty and tired but I managed to make a great latte, which made everything so much better.
Thank you God for giving me the discipline to write a blog.

*From Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you for filling with my heart with peace.
Thank you for being thankful about working. I don't like working on weekends but given my research
workload, I work everyday but today I was quite happy working. It was less productive but I was very content. Thank you Jesus.
Thank you for the great coffee. I love coffee and today's coffee was exceptional after a hike.
I was sweaty and tired but I managed to make a great latte, which made everything so much better.
Thank you God for giving me the discipline to write a blog.
*From Snapshot Serengeti
Friday, March 6, 2015
Give Thanks [2015/3/6]
Thank you for the great weather.
Thank you for the beautiful day.
Thank you for the reasonably productive day.
Thank you for allowing me to meet an old acquaintance.
Thank you for giving me wisdom about relationships and the world.
Thank you for the brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank you for the clean water, electricity, and internet.
Thank you for car that still runs great ^^

*Photo from Snapshot Serengeti
Thank you for the beautiful day.
Thank you for the reasonably productive day.
Thank you for allowing me to meet an old acquaintance.
Thank you for giving me wisdom about relationships and the world.
Thank you for the brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank you for the clean water, electricity, and internet.
Thank you for car that still runs great ^^
*Photo from Snapshot Serengeti
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