Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Year Resolution Gym... [2015/1/7]

The last few days, my gym was packed with people. Wow, lot of New Year's resolutions.

Sadly, I don't expect to see as many within a few weeks...why, why,....why.

I think the issue with exercise is that most people take it to drastically. They make it

difficult. They say I have to come to the gym and work out. Like you can't work out

anywhere else. This is the exact problem. They can't take baby steps. They try to break

dance before they can even walk. Yup, failure...

So in order to not only enrich our gym and subsidize other members, people who want

to exercise more and lose weight should do the following. Do easy exercises!!!

Here are the very easy list.

1. Take stairs! Wow, not hard trust me. If you live or work too high then only go up two floors and then take the elevator.

2. Stand up more. Don't sit all day. Just stand up whenever and work while standing up. You can read and answer email while standing up. People do it all time.

3. Just move more. Move your legs and arms. Whatever. That burns calories and gets you ready for more exercise.

Finally, if you are real serious, make a bet. Put the money on it. Use healthywage to lose your desired weight and also make money. Yup, money makes incentivizes :D

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