1. Thank You Jesus for Your wisdom. Through Your wisdom, I see more wickedness and I realize that we must really serve and pray more. Father, please continue to pour down Your wisdom on us.
2. Thank You Lord for my car. I can give rides and go to places. Let me be more thankful.
3. Thank You Father for my family. They are so loving. Lord, I pray that our family becomes a family believers united in You.
4. Thank You Jesus for my laptop. Yes, I love it. I can do work and also surf the internet.
5. Thank You God for great fellowship. I know that You have great plans for our church. Let us be more united and do great things for Your glory.
6. Thank You Jesus for credit cards. So convenient ^^
7. Thank You God for great food. I am eating very well these days :D
8. Thank You Jesus for WilFit. It is so good to be working out again. I should have started earlier.
9. Thank You Lord for the great books. I am learning so much.
10. Thank You Jesus for making me abandon bad habits. I have cut down the time watching YouTube and cartoons :D
Lord, we just want to thank You for everything. Let us focus more on You and You alone. Father, touch our hearts, so we can serve and love more. Use us for Your glory. We love You Jesus :D
*From Floating Forest
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