However, I was not surprised. The way Tspiras acted, trying to blame the lender for the
nation's woes seemed like a doomed strategy. But what surprised me was how the
Greeks did not say let's get our act together but instead kept blaming other nations and
Greeks cannot really blame others as rampant corruption, tax evasion, and early and
generous retirement has been possible not only by corrupt politicians by the supporting
public. People loved the populism and the cronyism, as long as they could enjoy it.
Now that the money has run out, they are complaining. This is unacceptable.
If Greeks do not repent and mend their ways, there will be a more vicious cycle and the
birth place of democracy will be a sad downfall of its former glory.
So what can be done to save Greece? Throwing more money, will not fix things.
Now they really have to make reforms. Yes, it will be painful but often people are so
stubborn that they resist until the very end. However, I do remain optimistic about Greece.
Greece has lot of smart and good people. Well, it is time for Greece to help them do the
job so it can get out of this crisis.
What can the rest of the world do? Here are somethings that we can do to help Greece.
1. Invest in Greece. With a crisis, there will be some good buying opportunities.
2. Help the Greek. If you know anyone who related to Greece and can do something for Greece help them. You can help them through guidance or simply moral support.
3. Teach in Greece. If you are a professor or can teach something help educate the younger generation so they can increase their productivity.
4.Help the reforms. If you have skills in detecting tax evasion or corruption, offer to help out.
5. Visit Greece. Greece is a mess right now but after it settles help them through tourism.
Finally, let us all pray for the best. Let us love our neighbor with all our hearts.
From Penguin Watch
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